| By Laws|

AUGUST 4, 1992
JULY 27, 2004


The name of this Association shall be the American Veterinary Health Information Management Association.


The purpose of this Association shall be to:

a. Promote quality patient care through the management of health information.
b. Be the nation’s authoritative body on the management of veterinary health information.
c. Advance the competency of those working with veterinary health information.
d. Enhance the professional standing of members.
e. Advocate for the profession on governmental, educational, social and business issues which affect the management of veterinary health information.


Membership in this Association shall be divided into three classes:

a. Active
b. Associate
c. Honorary
d. Institutional

Section 1. Active Membership

Any person may be admitted to Active Membership who is actively engaged in maintaining the health information system in any veterinary hospital, clinic, or other veterinary institution.

Section 2. Associate Membership

Any person may be admitted to Associate Membership who is not at present actively engaged in maintaining the health information system in a veterinary hospital, clinic, or other veterinary institution, but who is interested in the purpose for which this Association is organized.

These members shall not vote or hold office.

Section 3. Honorary Membership

Any person may be admitted to Honorary Membership who has contributed significantly to the advancement of veterinary health information science. Such membership shall be granted by invitation of the Executive Committee, subject to two-thirds approval vote of the Active Membership present and voting at the meeting in which the vote is taken.

These members shall be exempt from dues and shall not vote or hold office.

Section 4. Institutional Membership

Any institution interested in the purpose of this Association is eligible for Institutional Membership. The institution shall designate no more than three representatives who shall have the rights and privileges of membership, including that of serving with voice and vote in any capacity as elected or appointed.

Section 5. Application for Membership

Application for membership shall be made in writing to the President/Treasurer and shall be accompanied by the amount of annual dues established by these Bylaws.

Section 6. Forfeiture of Membership

Dues shall be payable annually to the President/Treasurer by August 1. Membership shall be forfeited if are not paid by the payment deadline.

Section 7. Change of Membership Class

Any member in good standing may request a change in Membership Class by submitting his written request to the President/Treasurer.

Section 6. Resignation

Any member in good standing may resign by submitting his resignation to the President/Treasurer.

Section 9. Reinstatement

Any member may be reinstated by this Association upon submitting written application for membership accompanied by payment in the amount of annual dues for the current year.


Section 1. Officers

The officers shall be a President/Treasurer, President-Elect, and Secretary, and Immediate Past President each of whom shall assume office at the close of the Annual Meeting during which they are elected and hold office for two (2) years, or until his successor has been elected.

Section 2. Eligibility

Only Active Members shall hold office.

Section 3. Nominations

Nominations shall be made from the floor in writing to the secretary. In the event the membership decides that nominations need to be made prior to the annual business meeting, e-mail nominations shall be acceptable.

Section 4. Elections

Elections shall be by a majority of the votes cast by Active Members prior to the deadline established prior to the annual meeting. The votes will be counted by the secretary at the annual meeting in the presence of the membership.

Section 5. Duties of Officers

a. President/Treasurer: As President, he shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committee chairmen, serve as the Associational Representative on the Veterinary Medicine Data Base (VMDB) Board or appoint such representative, and shall be ex-officio member of all committees; as Treasurer he shall:

1. Maintain an account in a bank for all monies received in the name of the Association.
2. Keep a full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements.
3. Submit a written annual report at the Annual Meeting.
4. Serve as Membership Chairman and maintain the membership roster.

b. President-Elect: The President Elect shall serve as President/Treasurer in the absence of the President and shall coordinate the program and arrangements for the Annual Meeting. He shall automatically advance to the office of President/Treasurer after two years.

c. Secretary: The Secretary shall take the minutes of the meetings, prepare such minutes and forward them to the membership within eight (8) weeks of the Meeting. S/he shall maintain the membership roster, listserve functions, the association calendar on the association webpage, and carry out other association correspondence as directed. This includes accepting nominations, preparing and sending the ballot to Active Members of the association, receiving the completed ballots for the election of officers.

d. Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall serve as an ex officio member of the Executive Committee and fill any temporary vacancy of the office of President/Treasurer.

Section 6. Vacancies

In case of the resignation, incapacity or death of the President/Treasurer, the Immediate Past President shall assume the office of President/Treasurer for the balance of the term.

In case of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, by resignation, incapacity or death, the office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee until the election at the next regular meeting.

In case of a vacancy in the office of Secretary, this office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.

Any officer may resign by submitting his written resignation to the Executive Committee. Such resignation becomes effective when a written acceptance from the Executive Committee has been received by the resignee.


Section 1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President/Treasurer, President-Elect, Secretary, and the Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President shall be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee. The President/Treasurer shall be chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Powers and Duties

The Executive Committee shall:

a. Transact interim business of the Association.
b. Supervise the affairs of the Association.
c. Devise measures for the Association’s growth and prosperity.
d. Report to the Association on a quarterly basis.
e. Select a place for depositing Associational funds.
f. Approve all Committee Chairmen.
g. Provide for auditing of financial records as indicated.
h. Have power to fill any vacancies as outlined in Article IV, Section 6.

Section 3. Meetings

Executive Committee Meetings shall be held at the Annual Meeting and at the call of the President/Treasurer.

Section 4. Quorum

Two members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.


Committees shall be appointed, combined, or dissolved by the President/Treasurer as the need arises.


Section 1. Annual Meeting

Unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee, one meeting shall be held each year, in conjunction with the American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Order of Business

The Order of Business at Regular Meetings shall include:

a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Reading of minutes of the previous meeting
d. Treasurer’s Report
e. Unfinished Business
f. Reports of Committees
g. New Business
h. Adjournment

Section 3. Quorum

In order to transact business at a meeting of the Association, a quorum shall consist of at least one officer and 25% of the active membership registered for the meeting.

Section 4. Voting

Decisions shall be made by a simple majority (51%) of the active members present and voting.

Section 5. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President/Treasurer or by a 2/3 vote of the Active Membership. The call for a Special Meeting shall state the business to be transacted, and no other business except for that specified in the call shall be transacted.


Section 1. Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year of this Association shall begin July 1 and run through June 30.

Section 2. Dues

The annual dues shall be $30.00 for Active and Associate members and $75.00 for Institutional members to be paid to the President/Treasurer at the beginning of the fiscal year, but no later than August 1.

Any member joining the Association for the first time after January 1 shall pay one half (1/2) of the annual dues.

Section 3. Expenses

Necessary expenses incurred by the officers and committees in the service of the Association shall be refunded from the Treasury by the President/Treasurer.

No monies of the Association shall be distributed to the members or officers of this Association or accrue to the benefit of the individual.


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the meetings of this Association in areas not covered by these Bylaws.


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or annual meeting by a simple majority (51%) of all active members registered for the meeting and voting. The proposed amendments having been submitted to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting in which the amendments are to be considered.

(Retyped on 7/6/2001 by M.L.Neterer)